
Jonah before diagnosis Aug 2013

Jonah with his eldest Sister Khiya getting some fresh air in Southampton - June 2014 - shortly after diagnosis for Leukaemia

Jonah - Guernsey July 2014
Jonah's first trip back to Guernsey after diagnosis for Leukaemia. Catching up with best friends.

Jonah with his cousin Dylan and Mum Sonia - during a brief visit home - Summer 2014

Jonah receiving Intense Chemotherapy in Southampton in preparation for his bone marrow transplant. Sept 2014

Jonah & his best friend Khiasten celebrating his 16th birthday in Guernsey. October 2014

Jonah in Bristol having his mask made in preparation for his radiotherapy sessions prior to Bone Marrow Transplant - Nov 2014

A rather cheeky Jonah and his Dad waiting patiently for his Bone Marrow Tranpslant to arrive - 28th Nov 2014

Jonah passing the time building Lego sets. December 2014 - 7 days after transplant

Jonah leaving Bristol on 4th Feb 2015. Saying goodbye to fellow patients Carlo & Rowan.

Jonah being airlifted to Southampton for suspected Ecoli / aHUS. May 2015

Jonah with his hospital buddy Alife who was celebrating his 1st Birthday. May 2015

Our signature yellow buckets which can be found at various locations around the Island. Please contact us if you would like a bucket for an event / workplace.

Jonah with the guys from Supreme (London) - during his Make A Wish trip. Nov 2015

Jonah receiving his first privately funded Eculizumab medication in Southampton - Dec 2015

Our good friend Daz Carre having his lovely long hair shaved off (and a bit of his beard off) after reaching a set target of donations from his work colleagues @ Specsavers Gsy. Over £850.00 was raised and Geoff had the privilege of chopping it off. The pony tail was donated to the Little Princess Trust who provide real wigs for children who have lost their hair.
Daz also ran a 24hr Marathon for Jonah back in April 2015 and raised over £2,000.00 for the Rhys Daniels Trust who provided our accommodation in Bristol.

Tea Time with Santa Dec 2015 - a lovely Christmassy event and raffle which raised over £1,800.00. Huge thanks to Michaela and helpers.

Big thanks to The Day Trippers who raised an amazing £1,103.72 for Jonah at their gig at The Thomas De La Rue. Jan 2016

Huge big thank you to all those who took part in the Kings Mills Jogging Club Fun Run on 3rd Jan 2016 - a fantastic £2,328.50 was raised for Jonah from this event. Thank you to the organisers and to all the volunteers who made it possible.

Jamie Hancock very kindly spent a couple of weeks collecting Xmas Trees for a minimum donation and managed to raise a whopping £1,665.00.

Sponsored Dog Walk @ Pembroke Jan 2016. Lots of lovely doggies and their owners turned out in chilly conditions and raised over £2,000.00 for Jonah.

Jonah at the Extreme Forces Weekend. This amazing 4 day event was organised by Black Rock MMA to raise funds for Jonah and put 13 candidates through their paces. Jonah is hoping to sign up for next year as he thoroughly enjoyed it.

The staff and candidates of the Extreme Forces Weekend Feb 2016

A rather hippy looking Jonah on his way to the 60's Ball - March 2016. A fantastic £2,999.85 was raised at this event

Groovy 60's Ball - group photo. March 2016

Jonah September 2016

Jonah July 2016

Jonah and his beautiful sisters Maicey and Khiya celebrating his Gran’s 70th Birthday

Jonah visiting his older Sister Khiya in Brighton

Jonah - Brighton 2019